这些阀门安装于1972年,当时Lynemouth发电站才开始用煤发电。被Energetický a Pr洁礀猀氀漀瘀ý Holding (EPH)收购后,该项目确认将会转换为生物质,并允许工厂生产高达420兆瓦的低碳电力。
Weir主管Brian Fairley评论说:“每个阀门都需要一个定制的设计,以满足不同尺寸的盘片和轴封。为了进行这次检修,我们的专家团队测量了每个阀体和盘片,以计算所需的封口尺寸。阀门的轴承颈座已经经过多年的加工,并以不同的解决方案取而代之,并且,所有的解决方案都是定制的,所以我们有幸能遇到这个项目带来的挑战,并为客户提供解决方案。”
工程师James White解释说:“阀门的差异使备件识别和制造成为一个严峻的挑战。不过,我们为客户带来了非常成功的结果。Lynemouth电站现在已经完成全部检修,阀门还可以运作10年。
Weir集团雇有约 14,000 名员工,在 70 多个国家/地区开展业务,致力于为具有良好长期发展前景的市场提供服务。集团拥有成熟可靠的专业知识和技术,能够在全球各地的矿场加工自然资源,也帮助从世界一些严苛作业环境中出产石油与天然气。集团与客户紧密合作,在矿业、石油与天然气、电力与工业市场上为其提供可以提高效率并降低运营成本的产品和服务。
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Delivering a major overhaul to support the Lynemouth Power Station conversion project
Weir Engineering Services successfully restored eleven butterfly valves which had been in continual use since 1972 as part of a biomass conversion project in the UK.
Weir Engineering Services has partnered with Lynemouth Power Station to contribute to the project that will convert the plant from a coal fired to a biomass fired power station, including the overhaul of eleven butterfly valves and gearboxes. An engineering team from service facility in Alloa (Clackmannanshire, Scotland) overcame the challenge of dealing with valves in very different conditions, after being repaired by several companies over the years.
The valves were installed in 1972 when Lynemouth Power Station started to generate electricity from coal. The project to convert the station to biomass was confirmed after its acquisition by Energetický a Pr洁礀猀氀漀瘀ý Holding (EPH), and will allow the plant to generate up to 420 megawatts of low carbon electricity.
The quality standards applied by the customer required an extensive report of the differences found, detailing defective, worn or damaged components, along with the proposed repair strategy. After a process of stripping down, cleaning and inspection, including Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), the team noted that most of the coating was worn and, in some cases, peeled off. Actuator mountings on the gearboxes and gearbox housing had also suffered severe corrosion.
Brian Fairley, Supervisor at Weir, commented: “Each valve required a bespoke design to cater for the variety of different dimensions for disc and shaft seals. In order to carry out the overhaul, our expert team measured each body and disc to calculate the required seal dimensions. The bearing trunnion housing of the valves had been machined out over the years and replaced with different solutions, again all solutions were bespoke, so we’re proud to have met the challenges posed by the project and delivered for this customer.”
The shafts had also suffered from wear due to the ingress of debris from failed shaft seals. The team machined them back and re-sprayed metal surfaces to recover the required design dimensions. They also agreed a standard size to repair, or removed the helicoils of the valve body flange holes, which had been fitted in different sizes and locations on valve flanges.
Along with the eleven butterfly valves and gearboxes, the teams in Alloa and Teesside (Middlesbrough, England) completed the overhaul of 42 turbine relief valves, three lid assemblies, three in situ seat replacements, 48 onsite overhauls of valves, seven condensate extraction pumps, seven booster pumps, two CW pumps; and two main boiler feed pumps. Two Nash pumps have also been added for overhaul and the Weir team is supporting Lynemouth by installing all overhauled pumps.
James White, Contract Engineer, explained: “The differences found in the valves made the spares identification and manufacturing a serious challenge. However, we’ve delivered a very successful result for the customer. As a result of this project Lynemouth Power Station now has fully overhauled valves fit for a further 10 years of power generation.
The project has now been completed and the valves are being returned to site to be refitted into plant for commissioning. Our focus now turns to providing the customer with lifetime asset support to ensure future overhaul works are safeguarded.”