四川鼎恒石油讯 当在海底钻井达到总深度时,对压力和操作者的要求不断增加,因此标准的API钻杆和旋转式连接不再适合这种操作。创建完成管件是为了解决这个问题,但直到近,才开发出一种具有专门连接技术的大型完井着陆管柱(CLS),以与当前部署在超深水位钻机上的水平海底井口的大型栓塞兼容。
CLS是NOV使用7寸管道和MaXit™发展而来,是一种内置的气密,大流量,压力额定的旋转式连接技术。CLS经历了紧张的研究和开发阶段,确定了压力等级,大化上扣扭矩,工具接头外径以及小通径。随后,制定了严格的测试阶段计划;实施了有限元分析,验证了连接中的应力分布和全面物理测试,以验证连接性能。 后,在超深水钻机上进行了7寸CLS的油田测试和限制证明,以确保配有钻井船管道处理和运行设备的新型大尺寸管道的兼容性,并在实际油田现场条件下验证连接的性能。
NOV’s large-diameter completion landing string featured in August World Oil
When drilling to total depth in subsea wells, pressures and operator’s requirements have continued to increase, making standard API drill pipe and rotary-shouldered connections unsuited to such operations. Completion tubulars were created to address the issue, but it was not until recently that a large-sized completion landing string (CLS) with a specialized connection technology was developed to be compatible with the large crown plugs of horizontal subsea well heads currently deployed on ultra deepwater rigs.
The CLS was developed by NOV using 7-in. pipe and MaXit™, which is a built-for-purpose, gas-tight, large-drift, pressure-rated, rotary-shouldered connection technology. The CLS underwent an intense research and development phase, where pressure ratings, maximum makeup torque and tool joint OD, and minimum drift diameter were established. Following this, a rigorous testing phase plan was created; both finite element analyses, to verify stress distribution in the connection, and full-scale physical testing, to verify connection performance, were conducted. Finally, a field trial and qualification of the 7-in. CLS tubular were conducted onboard an ultradeepwater drillship to assure compatibility of the new, larger-sized tubular with the drillship’s pipe handling and running equipment and validate the connection’s performance under actual field conditions.
The 7-in. CLS has now been deployed on four completion in the Gulf of Mexico, with rig crews using the CLS confirming that the new string ran quicker and safer than the previous casing landing string. The new string allowed the operator to avoid the costs of using casing, tubular running services, and related equipment, and reduced the connection time by a minimum of 4 min. per connection, slip to slip, in comparison to the previous premium casing connection landing string, yielding time savings of 3.5 to 10 hours running the completion.