Weir 阀门和控制美国公司(WVC USA)将于1月15日至19日在新奥尔良举办的年度AUG MUG(AOV用户组/ MOV用户组)贸易展亮相。
Weir很高兴地宣布他们参加在路易斯安那州新奥尔良举行的AUG MUG贸易展。Weir 阀门和控制美国公司的技术专家将于1月15日至19日在该贸易展会上集体亮相。
Weir 阀门和控制美国公司(WVC USA)将于下周在新奥尔良运河街万豪酒店的空气操作阀门用户组(AUG)/电动阀门用户组(MUG)进行展示。
AUG MUG年度会议由阀门行业领导者和供应商展品介绍。会议将进行气动阀门、电动阀门、压缩空气系统和流体泄漏管理项目的性能,设计,测试和维护等技术信息的开发和交流。
展会期间,WVC USA公司技术总监Allen Fisher和东南核电代理商Felix Coulter将举办一个研讨会,作为AOV用户组会议的一部分。本次研讨会的目的是向业内人士介绍Atwood&Morrill™主蒸汽隔离阀杆的新实验室分析。近的阀杆和未来测试的收集数据将用于确定建议更换周期和评估替代材料。WVC USA公司作为行业专家,一直致力于改善和提供扩展行业科学。
“客户每天面对的挑战不断变化,这次贸易展会提供了一个很好的机会来满足客户,并讨论合作寻找解决方案的方法。” WVC USA公司销售与营销副总裁James Lowery解释道。
四川鼎恒石油是Weir SPM的授权代理商,若需要购买SPM产品或需要了解产品详细参数及相关疑问,可直接进入鼎恒石油官网咨询网站客服或者拨打销售热线18000522697。
WVC USA to exhibit at AUG MUG 2018
Weir Valves & Controls USA Inc. will be exhibiting at the annual AUG MUG (AOV Users' Group/ MOV Users' Group) in New Orleans from Jan 15 to 19.
Weir is delighted to announce their attendance at the AUG MUG trade show in New Orleans, Louisiana. Technical experts from Weir Valves & Controls USA will be available at the trade show from January 15 to 19.
Our Nuclear Team is ready to answer your questions
Weir Valves & Controls USA Inc. (WVC USA) will be exhibiting at the Air Operated Valve Users Group (AUG)/ Motor Operated Valve Users Group (MUG) at the New Orleans Marriott on Canal Street next week.
The AUG MUG annual conference consists of presentations given by valve industry leaders and vendor exhibits. The conference is dedicated to the development and exchange of technical information concerning the performance, design, testing, and maintenance of air operated valves, motor operated valves, compressed air systems and fluid leak management programs.
During the conference, Allen Fisher WVC USA Director of Engineering and Felix Coulter our Southeast Nuclear Agent will hold a workshop as part of the AOV Users’ Group Conference. The purpose of this workshop is to inform the industry of recent lab analysis of an Atwood & Morrill™ main steam isolation valve stem. The data collected on recent valve stem and future testing will be used to determine recommended replacement intervals and evaluate alternate materials. As industry experts, Weir Valves & Controls USA remains committed to improvement and providing knowledge to the industry.
“The challenges that our customer’s face each day continue to change and this trade show provides a great opportunity to meet our customers and discuss the ways we can work together to find solutions to their problems.” James Lowery WVC USA VP Sales & Marketing explains.
Over 600 registrants from suppliers to plant maintenance personnel are on the registration list to attend. You will find the Weir team at booth #314, available to answer any questions that attendants may have and eager to discuss how your processes can benefit from Weir solutions.